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Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Reading Room

ATTENTION! On Tuesday, September 24, 2024 special opening hours: 13.00 - 17.00

LOCATION The Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Reading Room is situated on the 1st floor of the Klementinum building. For access take the back staircase, availability of the lift there as well. Room door number 152.




PHONE +420 221 663 280
FAX +420 222 220 370

Mon         closed

Tue          9 am - 5 pm

Wen         9 am - 5 pm
Thu          1 pm - 7 pm
Fri           closed

A valid National Library card is required to use the department's Reading Room.
LENDING RULES Rules for Visitors of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department




  • Literary manuscripts (books from the Middle Ages to the 18th century, some up to the 20th century)
  • Incunabula - printed books up to 1500 incl.
  • Bohemical printed material up to 1800
  • Other printed material up to 1800
  • Graphics - University theses
  • Reference library

Further information on the Department's holdings.


Further information about the catalogues managed by the department.

  • Wide-ranging information services relating to the book culture history according to the areas covered by our collections
  • Consulting all material is possible in the Department's Reading room only.
  • With the exception of books included in the Reference library, all material for studying has to be ordered in person beforehand. For detailed information see the Minimum for Users of the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Reading Room
  • Arranging of reprographical services (it is also possible to take photos from historical collections)
  • Wireless Internet Access (Wi-Fi)



Member of staff in charge: Tereza Paličková
Sep 04, 2024
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