Licensed online databases
Licensed resources provided to registered users of the National Library CR are intented for study and research purposes only. They can be used in a standard way through the tools offered by the selected resource. The use of robots or other automated download tools is strictly prohibited.
Alphabetical list of online databases
- database includes bibliographic citations, abstracts
- database includes full texth
| # | A | B | C | D | E | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | V | W |
Remote access to licensed databases
- remote access to licensed database via Shibboleth system
Unless otherwise stated, databases on CD-ROM are available in the Reference Centre
21st Century Communications remote access:
- handbook highlights the most important topics, issues, questions, and debates affecting the field of communication in the 21st Century
Academic Search Ultimate remote access:
- the world's most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 10,000 full-text periodicals, including more than 9,000 peer-reviewed journals
- in addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.
American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (ABSEES) remote access:
- bibliography provides information on East-Central Europe and the former Soviet Union
- sources indexed include journals, books, dissertations, online resources and selected government publications published in the U.S. and Canada
- coverage since the year 1990
Anopress (access: 12 months, 1996- )
- searchable full text databank contains Czech newspapers, journals and full text records of news, commentary and discussions in television and radio
- archive is available from the year 1996
- Czech interface only
- Anopress is available in Periodicals Reading Room and Reference Centre
- Anopress is not available via Remote access to licensed sources
Art Full Text remote access:
- foundational art research database providing full-text art journals and books
- It covers fine, decorative and commercial art, as well as photography, film and architecture.
Art Index Retrospective 1929-1984 remote access:
- archive index chronicling over a half a century of art literature
- Covering fine, decorative and commercial art, it indexes hundreds of publications, plus thousands of book reviews, interviews, anthologies and more.
- an essential resource for research on life science topics from botany to microbiology to pharmacology, serving to connect researchers with critical journal coverage
- bibliographic records can include links to full texts from other licences databases
- coverage 1987-2012
Books in Print Global Edition - from 1/1/2023 we do not provide access to this database
- leading bibliographic database for publishers, retailers and libraries around the world
- From the enriched metadata that is supplied by publishers, Books In Print provides a valuable resource for retailers in the process of making smart purchasing decisions.
Business Source Ultimate remote access:
- the world's definitive scholarly business database, providing the leading collection of bibliographic and full text content
- as part of the comprehensive coverage offered by this database, indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886 are included
- searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,300 journals
Central & Eastern European Academic Source (CEEAS) remote access:
- full text database containing research journals published in Central and Eastern Europe
- multilingual database covering many branches, including business and economy, medicine, political science, law, librarianship and information science, literature and linguistics, history and sociology
- database contains more than 600 titles
Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) remote access:
- CEEOL is a leading provider of academic e-journals and e-books in the Humanities and Social Sciences from and about Central and Eastern Europe.
- CEEOL covers more than 2000 journals and 480.000 articles
Dietrich's Index Philosophicus remote access:
- an invaluable information source for libraries specializing in philosophy, theology and religious studies
- includes more than 900,000 articles from 5,500 humanities journals, proceedings and reviews
- contains records from other Dietrich's bibliographic databases (IBZ 1983-1996, IBR 1984-1996, IJBF 1983-1996)
- coverage 1983-2009
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
- e-books collection in an interface EBSCOhost
ebrary see ProQuest Ebook Central
remote access:
- Academic Search Complete
- Art Full Text
- Art Index Retrospective
- Business Source Complete
- Central & Eastern European Academic Source
- eBook Collection
- Environment Complete
- European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750
- GreenFILE
- Historical Abstracts with Full Text
- OmniFile Full Text Select
- Regional Business News
- SocINDEX with FullText
EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) remote access: access as: guest
- brings together the most comprehensive collection of content—including superior indexing from top subject indexes, high-end full text and the entire library collection—all within an unparalleled full-featured, customizable discovery layer experience
- EDS for NL CR contains:
- Electronic catalog NL CR - base NKC (information updated once a day)
- Union Catalog of CR (information updated once a week)
- content of licenced full text and bibliographic databases
- information about articles and other types of documents which are not subscribed by NL
- information from digital library Manuscriptorium
full text availability according to licence conditions of each database
- EDS offers guest access - EDS interface is freely available for searching, but for full text access is needed to be a registered user of NL CR
EBSCO Journal Service (EJS) remote access:
- access to electronic full text articles of journals based on print subscription of National Library at EBSCO Subscription
- 51 titles from different disciplines (biology, chemistry, politics etc.) are available
- coverage - dates vary, furthest to 1998 remote access:
- Electre is the bibliographical database which contains the greatest number of titles in the French language since 1984
- database reviews 900,000 soon-to-be-published or out-of-print works and is up-dated daily
- Electre also includes information on publishers
Emerald remote access:
- access to e-journals published by Emerald publishing house
Encyclopedia of Global Change remote access:
- 300 authoritative articles in this unique and wide-ranging encyclopedia investigate all types of phenomena that change life on Earth
- entries cover a range of general research categories: altered ecosystems, climate change, food and water supply, population, politics and global change, institutions and policies, biographies, and case studies
Encyclopedia of Life Course and Human Development remote access:
- book examines three key life stages from a sociological perspective, exploring how enduring experiences, as well as transitions and events such as childcare, education, stress, marriage, career, addiction, friendship, parenthood, disease, spirituality, and retirement influence the individual's life course
- the life stages examined are: Childhood and Adolescence; Adulthood; and Later Life
The Encyclopedia of Semiotics remote access:
- a comprehensive reference guide to concepts in semiotics, sign theory, and cultural studies
- three hundred entries by leading scholars in a variety of fields—from anthropology and literary theory to linguistics and philosophy—survey the study of signs and symbols in human culture
- articles cover key concepts, theories, theorists, schools of thought, and issues in communications, cognition, and cultural theory
Environment Complete remote access:
- offers deep coverage in applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more
- Environment Complete contains more than 1,957,000 records from more than 1,700 domestic and international titles going back to the 1940s (including 1,125 active core titles)
- the database also contains full text for more than 680 journals and 120 monographs
European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750
- bibliographic database covering European books related to America
- a comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750 from „European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed In Europe Relating to The Americas, 1493-1750“
- the database contains more than 32,000 records, and covers the history of European exploration as well as portrayals of native American peoples
- in cooperation with John Carter Brown Library
FRANTEX - from 1/1/2023 we do not provide access to this database
- Frantext is a database with 5430 references, or 256 million words (in December 2019).
- Developed at ATILF (Analysis and Computer Processing of the French Language)
- It has been available online since 1998.
Gale Literary Sources (earlier Literature Resource Center) remote access:
- the premier online resource for information on literary figures from all time periods writing in such genres as fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, history, journalism, and more
- includes biographical, bibliographical, and critical content
- the foundation of the Gale Literary Sources is built on three author databases:
- Contemporary Authors Online, offering biographical coverage of more than 130,000 writers
- Contemporary Literary Criticism Select, featuring entries on all authors appearing in CLC since vol. 95 of the print series and complete profiles of 266 most studied authors from editions prior to vol. 95
- Dictionary of Literary Biography Online, containing more than 13,000 biocritical essays on authors and their works written by academic scholars
- the Gale Literary Sources also includes selected full-text, excerpted, and commissioned critical material from Gale's respected Literature Criticism and For Students Series, in addition, users can access current, full-text critical essays on major authors via the Gale Literary Sources's link to more than 260 prominent literary journals
- author coverage is further enhanced by more than 10,000 descriptive entries on literary figures, works, and terms
Gale Virtual Reference Library remote access:
- reference publications library
- access subscribed to encyclopedias and reference guides:
- Scholarship, Fellowship and Loans (2009)
- 21st Century Communication (2009)
- The Writers Directory (2009)
- Encyclopedia of Life Course and Human Development (2009)
- Homelessness Handbook (2007)
remote access:
- offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment
- its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more
- the database provides indexing and abstracts for more than 384,000 records, as well as Open Access full text for more than 4,700 records
Historical Abstracts with Full Text
remote access:
- an exceptional resource that covers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present, including world history, military history, women's history, history of education, and much more
- this authoritative database provides indexing of historical articles from more than 1,800 journals in over 40 languages back to 1955
- with over 800,000 records and access to the full text of more than 349 journals and more than 120 books, Historical Abstracts with Full Text is unmatched in its scope and breadth of historical and related social science literature
Homelessness Handbook remote access:
- book is designed to support the efforts of everyone who wants to end homelessness
- explains who the homeless are, why they are homeless, what it means to be homeless, and what the rest of us can do to alleviate the suffering of the homeless
Index to Printed Music (IPM) remote access:
- the digital finding aid for locating musical works contained in printed collections, sets, and series
- IPM indexes individual pieces printed in the complete works of composers, anthologies of music, and other scholarly editions.
- With over 550,000 entries, curated by a team of experts, IPM expands every year to include new volumes as they are added to existing sets and series and new editions as they appear on the market.
International Encyclopedia of Communication remote access:
- a definitive reference source in this interdisciplinary and dynamic field is jointly published with the International Communication Association (ICA), the leading academic association of the discipline
- more than 1,300 newly-commissioned A-Z entries, divided into 29 editorial areas representing major fields of inquiry, each of which is headed by a leading expert in the field
- spans the breadth of communication studies, including coverage of theories, media and communication phenomena, research methods, problems, concepts, and geographical areas
International Index to Music Periodicals Full Text (IIMPFT) see Music Periodicals Database
- includes approximately 400 000 records on publishers all around the world
- ISSN Portal identifies more than one million periodical titles worldwide, through the ISSN REGISTER
- database enables access to information and resources related to those titles
- ISSN Portal is not available via Remote access to licensed sources
Journal Citation Report (JCR) remote access:
- comprehensive and unique resource tool that allows to evaluate and compare journals using citation data drawn from over 7000 scholarly and technical journals from more than 3,300 publishers in over 60 countries
- it is the only source of citation data on journals, and includes virtually all specialties in the areas of science, technology, and social science
- complement to Web of Science
- includes Impact factor
- coverage years 1998-2005
JSTOR Music Legacy Collection remote access:
- contains the complete back runs of 70 titles dedicated to scholarly research and theory in the field of music
- the collection includes journals published in the Netherlands, Croatia, Hungary, Germany, and France
- title list
Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) - from 1/1/2023 we do not provide access to this database
- an international abstracting and indexing tool designed for library professionals and other information specialists
- LISA currently abstracts over 550 periodicals from more than 60 countries and in more than 20 different languages
- database covers following topics: Artificial intelligence, Book reviews, CD-ROMs, Computer science applications, Information centres, Information management , Information science, Information storage, Information technology, Internet technology, Knowledge management, Librarianship, Libraries and archives, Library management, Library technology, Library use and users, Medical information, Online information retrieval, Publishing and bookselling, Records management, Telecommunications, Technical services, World Wide Web
- coverage since the year 1969
Library & Information Science Source (LISS)
remote access:
- Content includes full text for more than 460 publications and indexing for hundreds of high-quality journals, as well as books, research reports and proceedings.
- Subject coverage encompasses librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more.
- In addition, Library & Information Science Source provides comprehensive coverage of the history of library studies.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) remote access:
- subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more
- LISTA indexes more than 600 periodicals, plus books, research reports and proceedings. Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more
- coverage extends back as far as the mid-1960s
- database is available in Library and Information Science Library
Library Press Display see PressReader
Literature Online
remote access:
- world's largest cross-searchable database of literature and criticism
- over a 350 000 full-text works of English and American poetry, drama and prose, plus biographies, bibliographies and key criticism and reference resources
LitRes: Biblioteka for remote access ask in Slavonic Library
- electronic library of publications in Russian
- It offers approximately 318 000 e-books and audiobooks
- Access to database for users of Slavonic Library
MGG Online remote access:
- the preeminent digital encyclopedia for music researchers worldwide
- With over 19,000 articles written by more than 3,500 of the world authorities in all areas of music, subscribers will find in MGG Online a comprehensive research tool covering many topics in music and related fields.
MLA International Bibliography with Full Text remote access:
- the electronic version of the bibliography dates back to the 1920s
- Produced by the Modern Language Association (MLA)
- The database contains millions of citations as well as full text for 1,000 journals.
Music Periodicals Database (formerly International Index to Music Periodicals Full Text) - from 1/1/2023 we do not provide access to this database
- This database provides indexing and abstracts for several hundred international music periodicals from over 20 countries, plus full text for more than 140 of the indexed journals.
- The database currently includes over 1.3 million records, the majority from the most recent ten years of publication.
- Some complete journal runs are included, with indexing back to 1874.
- Covers the full spectrum of subjects and all aspects of music, including music education, performance, ethnomusicology, musical theatre, theory, popular music forms and composition.
Music Online remote access:
- provides the most comprehensive database in streaming audio, reference, and scores on the web in following databases:
- Classical Music Library (audio recordings)
- Jazz Music Library (audio recordings)
- Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries (audio recordings)
- American Song (audio recordings)
- Contemporary World Music (audio recordings)
- Classical Scores Library (scores)
- Classical Music Reference Library (music reference)
- African American Music Reference (music reference)
- The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Online (music reference)
- every object in the collection is indexed for subjects, historical events, genres, people, cultural groups, places, time periods, ensembles
Naxos Music Library remote access:
- includes also Opera Synopses and Libretti, Composer and Artist Biographies and other Essential Information
- full access is available in Music Department Reading Room
Naxos Music Library Jazz remote access:
- collection of Jazz music available online
Official Document System (ODS)
- ODS covers all types of official United Nations documentation, beginning in 1993, older UN documents are, however, added to the system on a daily basis
- ODS also provides access to the resolutions of the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship Council from 1946 onwards
- the system does not contain press releases, UN sales publications, the United Nations Treaty Series or information brochures issued by the Department of Public Information
- database is freely available
OmniFile Full Text Select remote access:
- multidisciplinary full text database contains more than 2 700 journals
- coverage from year 1994
- Czech "Britannica" published 1888 - 1908
Oxford Music Online remote access:
- Oxford Music Online is the gateway offering users the ability to access and cross-search multiple music reference resources in one location
- with Grove Music Online as its cornerstone, Oxford Music Online also contains The Oxford Companion to Music (2002), which offers more than 8,000 articles on composers, performers, conductors, instruments and notation, forms and genres, and individual works; and The Oxford Dictionary of Music, 2nd edition (revised 2006), which supplements Grove's more extensive articles with content geared toward undergraduates and general users
PressReader (formerly Library Press Display) remote access:
- Top newspapers and magazines from more than 120 countries.
- access to more than 7,000 of the world’s top newspapers and magazines as soon as they’re available on shelves
Project MUSE - Standard Collection - from 1/1/2023 we do not provide access to this database
- multidisciplinary full text database covering more than 300 research peer-reviewed journals from social sciences and humanities
- branches: education, linguistics, history, philosophy, arts, slavistics, librarianship etc.
ProQuest Central remote access:
- multidisciplinary research database
- subject areas, including business, health and medical, social sciences, arts and humanities, education, science and technology, and religion
- The collection includes thousands of full-text scholarly journals, trade and professional titles, newspapers, magazines, dissertations, working papers, case studies, and market reports all together on a powerful, user-friendly platform
ProQuest Ebook Central remote access:
- electronic library
- Academic Complete collection includes more than 70 000 titles in 16 key subject areas: Anthropology, Business & Economics, Computers & IT, Education, Engineering & Technology, Fine Arts, History, Language & Linguistics, Law, Life Sciences, Medicine, Physical Sciences, Psychology, Religion, Social Sciences
- offers two download options for offline access to ebrary content, either create an image PDF of a specific chapter or page range or download an entire document as an e-book in Adobe Digital Editions
Rarebooks - from 1/1/2023 we do not provide access to this database
- previous interface of Rarebooks will be available until September 30, 2019
- provides more than 80 electronic bibliographies online
- subjects cover early printing, world literature, natural history, science, medicine, theology, cultural and area studies, Judaica, music, theology, art and architecture, among others
- key bibliographies include standard reference works by Goff (Incunabula), Brunet (Manuel), Sabin (Americana), Fairfax Murray (French and German Books), and many more hard-to-find works
- is not available via Remote access to licensed sourcesm
- brief guidebook for the new interface of Rarebooks
Regional Business News remote access:
- database provides comprehensive full text coverage for regional business publications
- Regional Business News incorporates coverage of more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States
Retrospective bibliographies (CD-ROM)
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text (RAFT) remote access:
- one of the richest and most comprehensive full-text resources of scholarly music research, offers full-text search and cover-to-cover browsing
- 240 full-text journals and growing
- Content spanning 50 countries and 40 different languages
- Full-text coverage from the early 20th century to the present
RILM Music Encyclopedias remote access:
- an ever-expanding full-text compilation of reference works
- The collection includes more than 50 seminal titles (published from 1775 to the present), and new content is added every year.
RIPM: Preservation Series. European and North American Music Periodicals remote access:
- a unique collection of primary source music periodicals not covered in RIPM Retrospective Index with Full Text
- International scope
- 105 titles accessible through full-text searching
RIPM Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals
- an international annotated bibliography of writings on musical history and culture, found in music periodicals published in seventeen countries between approximately 1800 and 1950
- RIPM indexes the content of complete runs of journals, including articles, reviews, news columns, miscellaneous items, surveys of the press, bibliographies, iconography and advertising
- forthcoming titles in RIPM
- database is available in Music Department Reading Room only
- coverage 1800-1950
- This full-text database is a unique collection of primary source material and periodicals for the study of music and musical life from 1760 to 1966.
RISM Online (International Inventory of Musical Sources after1600)
- RISM is an ongoing international project to document all known musical sources of manuscripts, printed music, theoretical works, and libretti
- the most massive section of the inventory concerns RISM Series A/II, musical manuscripts from 1600-1800 is now available online
- database is freely available
Russian Central Newspapers (UDB-COM) remote access:
- database of company Eastview covers more than 60 journals and newspapers from sphere of politics, society and culture published in main centres of Russian Federation
- many titles were digitized specially for this database and are exclusively available only in it
- archives of canceled journals are available - for example: Novoje vremja, Krasnaja zvezda, Tribuna, Vremja novostej atd.
Science Direct remote access:
- access to 2000 subscribed Elsevier titles (Freedom Collection) from science, technology and medicine in full text
- in database are also availabe abstracts from nonsubscribed journals
- coverage since the year 1995
Scholarships, Fellowships and Loans remote access:
- book provides comprehensive information on sources of education-related financial aid sponsored and administered by private organizations and companies
- covers a variety of programs in all educational areas, including area and ethnic studies, business, computer science, education, liberal arts, medicine, physical sciences, theology and religion, and more
- intended for students and others interested in education funding
Slovak national bibliography - books ( -1700, 19th century, 1901-2004), articles (1978-2004), authority file
Slavic Humanities Index remote access:
- It indexes the most important and current Slavic humanities periodicals into one searchable database.
- The index currently contains more than 210,000+ bibliographic citations from around 260 periodicals in twenty one languages.
- New periodicals are continuously reviewed and added to the index.
- Most periodicals are indexed from around 1994 to the current issue, but some select publications are indexed back into the 1980s.
SocIndex with Full Text remote access:
- the world's most comprehensive and highest quality sociology research database
- database features more than 2.1 million records with subject headings from a 20,000+ term sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and expert lexicographers
- SocINDEX with Full Text contains full text for more than 860 journals dating back to 1908, this database also includes full text for more than 830 books and monographs, and full text for over 16,800 conference papers
Springer eBooks vzdálený přístup:
- access to hundreds of current research e-books on SpringerLink platform
- branch collections covers: biomedicine, business and management, Earth Sciences, engineering, chemistry, medicine and social sciences
Springer Link remote access:
- database provides access to electronic version of journals published by Springer, since January 2005 SpringerLink has been joined with Kluwer database
- through this services users can browse more than 1 600 scientific journals in arts, astronomy and astrophysics, biological sciences, business, chemistry, computer and information science, economics, education, electroengineering, engineering, environmental science, humanities, law, linguistics, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, physics, psychology and social sciences
- coverage - most titles include complete back issues to 1996
VLB Online - rfrom 1/1/2023 we do not provide access to this database
- publishing database contains present offer of books in German speaking countries markets
Web of Science remote access:
- access to the ISI Citation Databases, which cover thousands of research journals across hundreds of disciplines
- Web of Science is created by following databases:
- Science Citation Index Expanded
- Social Sciences Citation Index
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index
- coverage since the year 1980 - Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index
- coverage since the year 1945 - Science Citation Index Expanded
Who is who in Czech slavonic studies
- electronic database of Czech slavonic studies specialists
- free access
World Biographical Index Online remote access:
- online index to World Biographical Archive, which is available in the Reference Centre
- it provides access to more than 10 million entries from over 8,600 reference works: works in 40 languages and with more than 15,000 volumes, written and printed since the 16th century
- a wealth of biographical information on 5 million people: men and women from all classes and professions, from all countries and regions of the earth, from the 4th millennium BC to the present
The Writers Directory 2010 remote access:
- book features bibliographical, biographical and contact information for living authors worldwide who have at least one English publication
- entries include name, pseudonyms, addresses, citizenship, birth date, specialization, career information and a bibliography