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Published titles - overview


Knihovna - knihovnická revue [LIBRARY - Library Professionals Review]
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Knihovna plus
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Národní knihovna
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Slovanská knihovna v tisku a dalších médiích: bibliografie za léta 1979–2023
The Slavonic Library in the Press and Other Media: Bibliography 1979–2023
Sestavila/edited by Tereza Rejdová

Jezuita Ignaz Tirsch jako misionář, architekt a umělec v mexické Dolní Kalifornii [Jesuit Ignaz Tirsch as a Missionary, Architect, and Artist in Baja California, Mexico]
Pavel Šěpánek

Jaroslav Bidlo (1868–1937) a Milada Paulová (1891–1970): bibliografie publikovaných prací [Jaroslav Bidlo (1868–1937) a Milada Paulová (1891–1970): A Bibliographies of Published Works]
compiled and edited by Jan Boháček, Daniela Brádlerová, Marek Ďurčanský, Jiřina Urbanová

Kunhuta: královská dcera a svatojiřská abatyše [Cunigunde: A Royal Daughter and Abbes of St. George´s Convent]
Renáta Modráková

Lux secretis inclusa claustralibus: ženské kláštery zrušené v době josefínských reforem [Lux secretis inclusa claustralibus: Nunneries Dissolved in the Period of Joseph´s Reforms]
Lucie Heilandová and collective

Libri boni semper amici fidi erunt...: A Collective Monograph on the Occasion of the Life Anniversary of PhDr. Milada Svobodová

We Create a Library. The National Library! The Strategy of the Developent of the National Library of the Czech Republic for 2024–2027

Rukopisy palácové knihovny hrabat Czerninů z Chudenic v Praze na Hradčanech dochované ve fondu pražské lobkowiczké knihovny v Národní knihovně České republiky. Svazek I, Číslo 1–122 (signatura XXIII A 9–XXIII D 112). Svazek II, Číslo 123–248 (signatura XXIII D 113–XXIII G 82). Rejstříky ke svazkům I–II. [Manuscripts of the Palace Library of Counts Czernin of Chudenice in Hradčany, Prague, Preserved in the Collections of the Lobkowicz Library in the National Library of the Czech Republic. Volume I, No. 123-248 (shelfmark XXIII D 113–XXIII G 82). Indexes of Volumes I-II]
Milada Svobodová

Rozvoj kompetencí učícího knihovníka: výzkumy – kurikulum – gramotnosti [The Development of Competencies of a Teaching Librarian: Research – Curriculum Literacy]
Pavlína Mazáčová

A Year with Bookstart: Practical scenarios based on book stories
Zdeňka Hochmanová, Zlata Houšková and a collective of authors

Slovanská knihovna 1924–2024 (Průvodce po dějinách, fondech a službách) / The Slavonic Library, Prague 1924–2024 (A Guide to its History, Funds and Services)
Lukáš Babka

Katalog starých ruských tisků z fondů Slovanské knihovny tištěných azbukou. Díl IV. Knihy (1796–1800), ruská periodika 18. století [Catalogue of Russian Early Printed Books from the Slavonic Library Collections Printed in the Cyrillic. 4th Volume. Books (1795–1800), Russian Periodicals Produced in the 18th Century]
edited by Olga Leshkova a Rita Lyons Kindlerová

Preserve, explore, revive. Czech collections of musical sources and their processing
Eliška Šedivá (ed.) et al

Restoration of Treasures of the National Library of the Czech Republic or the Secrets of the Restorer´s Work
Petra Vávrová and a collective

Czechoslovak-South Slavic League (1921–1929) and Czechoslovak-South Slavic Review (1930–1939). A Bibliography of Journals
Compiled and edited by Kateřina Kolářová

The 20th Anniversary of the Library Act
Prepared for publishing by Renáta Krejčí Salátová

Personnel Management in Libraries: A Manual for Personnel Work
Richard Ščerba

Czech Children and Youth as Readers in the Time of the Pandemic 2021
Hana Friedlaenderová, Hana Landová, Pavlína Mazáčová, Irena Prázová, Vít Richter

The Book and the Veil: 1100 Years since the Death of Princess and Saint Ludmila
Renáta Modráková – Jan Vojtíšek and coll.

Covidereading: What the Pandemic Has Done to Our Readership
Hana Friedlaenderová, Vít Richter, Jiří Trávníček

Book Culture of the Benedictine Convent of St. George at Prague Castle
Renáta Modráková

Russian Émigrés in Prague (1918–1945). A Guide
Anastasija Kopršivova, Lukaš Babka

Rukopisy palácové knihovny hrabat Czerninů z Chudenic v Praze na Hradčanech dochované ve fondu pražské lobkowiczké knihovny v Národní knihovně České republiky [Manuscripts of the Palace Library of Counts Czernin of Chudenice in Hradčany, Prague, Preserved in the Collections of the Lobkowicz Library in the National Library of the Czech Republic]
Milada Svobodová

Jak opravdu vstoupit s knížkou do života [How To Really Start Life with a Book]
Zlata Houšková and coll.

The Medieval Library of the Old Town of Prague
Michal Dragoun

The Plastic Age In Bookbinding. Synthetic Materials in the Library Collections
Petra Vávrová and a collective of authors

… paper and lead… Sheet Music Published in 19thCentury Prague and Housed in the Collection at the Music Department of the National Library of the Czech Republic
Ludmila Šmídová
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The Secret of Books: Use of Imaging Techniques for the Study of Hidden Information in Bookbinding
Petra Vávrová and coll.

A Wanderer Walked Through the Country… A collective monograph on the occasion of the life anniversary of PhDr. Jan Sobotka
Prepared for publication by Alena Císařová Smítková
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Restoration and Conservation of Library Holdings in New Zealand and Australia. A Summary of Knowledge from the Study Trip and New Possibilities
Petra Vávrová
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A Library in a Village. Handbook for Mayors and Deputies
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The concept of library development in the Czech Republic for the years 2021–2027 with a view to 2030
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The Bookstart Project and Reading Literacy
Veronika Laufková et al.
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With a Book In Hand
Prepared for publication by Alena Císařová Smítková
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Catalogus Collectionis Operum Artis Musicae Ecclesiae Sanctissimae Trinitatis in Koleč
Arranged by Lucie Havránková and Karel Veverka
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Mi(ni)str knihovnictví [Ma(Mini)ster of Librarianship]. A Collective Monograph on the Life Anniversary of PhDr. Vít Richter
Edited by Renáta Salátová
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Library Services To Libraries. Regional Programmes of Regional Functions to Support Libraries
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The Standard for a Good Library. A methodical instruction of the Ministry of Culture of the CR ...
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The Collection of University Dispute Theses from the National Library of the CR
Petra Zelenková
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The Czernin Family Library
Tereza Paličková and Zuzana Adamaitis
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From Ljubljana via Vienna to Prague (Ivan Cankar and His Contemporaries)
ed. Alenka Jensterle-Doležal
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Ideas, Suggestions and Scenarios for Meetings of Parents and the Youngest Readers in Librarie. Bookstart Project
Markéta Poživilová
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IFLA Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dyslexia. Revised and extended version
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Ukrajina poza Ukrajinoju: encyklopedyčnyj slovnyk mystecʼkoho, kulʼturnoho i hromadsʼkoho žyttja ukrajinsʼkoji emihraciji v mižvojennij Čechoslovaččyni (1919–1939)
Oksana Pelens´ka
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Petra Oulíková
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Catalogus collectionis operum artis musicae comitis Clam-Gallas
Eliška Šedivá
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Equal Access. The Libraries and Groups at Risk of Social Exclusion. Methodological Guidelines for Libraries to Work with Groups of Users at Risk of Social Exclusion
Prepared for edition by Jarmila Burešová a Miroslava Sabelová
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How to go about the Bookstart Project. Methodical Handbook
Zlata Houšková, Veronika Laufková
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Wandering through the Russian Literature. A Selection of Texts by Jiří Honzík
Jiří Honzík
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Joseph Stepling in His Biographies and Bibliographies
Josef Smolka in cooperation with Jana Vackářová and other staff of the National Library of the CR
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Conservation and Restoration of Modern Library Holdings
Prepared for publication by Petra Vávrová and Magda Součková
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The Law of Decay Resistance’. Special Features of Varlam Schalamovs Prose and Poetry and Their Perception at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Conference Proceedings
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A Broken Necklace: Selected Works
Maksim Bahdanovič
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Hidden or forbidden? Remarkable history of the books stored in the Reserve Collections of the National Library of the Czech Republic
Marcela Strouhalová
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Lobkowicz Map Collection
Jan Sobotka
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The Standard for Good Library Holdings
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My Dear, If You Are Walking Through Russia in the Summer
Dmitrij Prigov
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The List of Medieval Latin Manuscripts in the National Library of the Czech Republic. Supplements to the Catalogue by Josef Truhlář
Jindřich Marek – Michal Dragoun
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Pod znakom katalogov i materialov k… V. N. Tukalevskij i russkaja kniga za rubežom. 1918–1936 gg.
Marija Magidova
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Ferdinand University
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The Path to Variety or the Café Layabout Made the Digital Historian of the Middle Ages
Edited by Renáta Modráková and Tomáš Klimek
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The Slavonic Library - My Destiny. A Mosaic of Memories
Jiří Vacek
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The Lost World of Subcarpathian Rus’ in the Photographs of Rudolf Hůlka (1887–1961)
Hana Opleštilová – Lukáš Babka / Foreword by Edward Kasinec
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Books Discovered Once Again. The books confiscated after World War II kept in the National Library of the CR
Marcela Strouhalová
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Catalogus collectionis operum artis musicae de monasterii Siloensis. A Thematic Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Želiv Monastery
Pavla Semerádová – Eliška Šedivá
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Rudolf Hůlka: Photographs of Roma from the Subcarpathian Ruthenia from the Beginning of the 20th Century
Authors of texts: Lukáš Babka, Hana Opleštilová, Alexander Mušinka
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Facilitating acces to cultural heritage content in Czechia: INTERMI project
Marie Balíková, Miroslav Kunt, Jana Šubová, Naděžda Andrejčíková
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The Depiction of Biblical Stories in Renaissance Manuscripts
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The Klementinum Tales [Klementinské pověsti]
Eva Novotná
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The Standard for a Good Library. The Methodological Guidelines of the Ministry of Culture ...
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Jan Hus: The Problem to Accept Freedom
Zdeněk Uhlíř
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On the Thorny Paths of Life and Creation
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Reconstruction of the Klementinum between World Wars (exhibition booklet)
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Ceska Alexandrovka: Reminiscences about Life in the Czech Emigrant Community in Russia
Bohuslav Andrš
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Guide to the Union Music Catalogue of the National Library of the CR
Arranged by Marc Niubo
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The Lost World of Subcarpathian Rus’ in the Photographs of Rudolf Hůlka (1887–1961)
Hana Opleštilová – Lukáš Babka. Foreword by Edward Kasinec
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Services from Libraries to Libraries. Regional Programmes of Regional Functions to Support Libraries
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Catalogue of Russian Early Printed Books from the Slavonic Library Collections Printed in the Cyrillic. 3rd Volume: 1788–1795
Edited by Františka Sokolová
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Verses on Bohemia / Marina Tsvetaeva
Translated by Jiří Turek
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The Standard for a Good Library. The Methodological Guidelines of the Ministry of Culture ...
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Arranged by Eliška Bastlová
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Michaela Freemanová
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Libri catenati Egrenses [Chained Books of Cheb]
The Books and Library of the Franciscans of Cheb (Eger) in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Era 
Edited by Kamil Boldan and Jindřich Marek
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IFLA Public Library Service Guidelines
edited by Christie Koontz and Barbara Gubbin
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Manu propria…
completed for publishing by Zuzana Adamaitis and Tereza Paličková
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Vinzenz Maschek: String Quartets
Mikuláš, Jiří
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Manuscripts from the Collections of Tomáš Antonín Putzlacher, Michael Schuster and Other Lowborn Bibliophiles in the Holdings of the Prague Lobkowicz Library in the National Library of the Czech Republic
Milada Svobodová
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The Russian Action in Czechoslovakia: History, Significance, Heritage (to mark the 90th anniversary of the launch)
Completed by Lukáš Babka and Igor Zolotarev
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The List of Sources for History of the Peoples of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus up to 1945 from the Archives of the Czech Republic (Volume VII: The Archives of the South Moravian Region)
completed by Blanka Szunyogová
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Bibliography of Zdenka Bergrová 2005–2011
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The Klementinum. A Guide
Petra Oulíková
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Ours or Alien. Written Culture in the Balkans and Central Europe in the Middle Ages
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Research and Development of New Processes in Preservation and Conservation of Written Documents/ Heritage (2005-2011)
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Ukrainian Insurgent Army Differently (in literature, arts and culture)
completed by Anastázia Lukáčová

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In Mutual Perspective. Czech – Slovenian and Slovenian-Czech Relations in the 20th Century
completed by Alenka Jensterle-Doležalová
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Readers and Internauts. Residents of the Czech Republic and Their Relation to Reading (2010)
Jiří Trávníček
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Ivan Alekseyevich Bunin: a List of Publications First Appearing in Newspapers, Journals, Belles-lettres Almanacs and Various Collections (1887–1987)
Jitka Křesálková (ed.), index compiled by Michaela Řeháková
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Russian Historical Archive Abroad in Prague – operational documents (registry). Catalogue of collections housed in the Prague Slavonic Library and in the State Archive of the Russian Federation
Lukáš Babka, Anastasia Kopřivová, Lidija Petruševa (eds.)
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Slavic Reminiscences. A Selection from Texts by Jiří Franěk
The publication initiated and the selection arranged by Zdeňka Fraňková, Jiří Honzík and Věra Dvořáková
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Musicalia in Prague Periodical Press 1800-1825
Jiří Berkovec

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Jacobellus of Mies and Beginnings of Utraquiost Preaching in the Czech lands. An Essay on Jacobellus´ Postil from 1413-1414
Jindřich Marek
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Miscellanea of the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department (21) 2011. The Intellectuals in Love with Books
Completed by a collective of authors lead by Alena Richterová
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Siberian Autonomism. Sources, Manifestations, Reflections (1917-1939)
Ľubica Harbuľová
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Bibliography of Czech and Slovak Printed Books from the Earliest Period up to the End of the 18th Century : Supplements. Vol. II. Prints from the period 1501-1800. Part VIII and IX. Letter S - Ž. Nr. 15.191–17.631
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Long-term Preservation of Digital Documents
Ladislav Cubr

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Four Versions of One Culture. A Synthesis of the Dispersed Content of Central European Literature
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REDISCOVER Final Conference Proceedings. Prague, 15 September 2010
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MARC 21. Format for Authority Data. Supplement 1
Translated by Edita Lichtenbergová
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The List of sources for History of the Russian, Ukrainian, and Belorussian nations until 1945 from archives of the Czech Republic (Volume VI, Archives of Northern Moravia)
Edited by B. Szunyogová
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The Mystery of the Trojan Chronicle. The Beginning of Czech Book Printing
Kamil Boldan
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MARC 21. Bibliographic Format. Supplement 1
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A Brief Instruction for Descriptive Cataloguing of the 19th Century Calenders in the MARC 21 Format
Zdenka Bosáková
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Catalogues of the New Generation – An Analysis of Selected Systems from the User’s Point of View
Jindřiška Pospíšilová, Karolína Košťálová, Hana Nemeškalová
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A Reconstruction of the Library of Bohuslav Hasištejnský of Lobkowicz. Catalogue of the Incunabula of the Roudnice Lobkowicz Library
Kamil Boldan, Emma Urbánková
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Prague Perspectives (III): Jan Slavík (1885–1978): A Czech Historian of Revolutions
Lukáš Babka and Petr Roubal (eds.)
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Cataloguing Electronic Resources. A Handbook for Cataloguers with Examples in the MARC 21 Format
Prepared by Ludmila Benešová
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Item plures et alios libros. Books from the monastery in Teplá in the Holdings of the National Library of the Czech Republic
Zuzana Kulová and Michaela Bäumlová
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The Green Gospel (Selection from Work)
Bohdan Ihor Antonych
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Handbook to the Planning Tool for Trusted Electronic Repositories (PLATTER)
Colin Rosenthal, Asger Blekinge-Rasmussen, Jan Hutař et al.
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Officium in Nativitate Domini. Graduale ecclesiae Sancti Michaelis Opatoviensis Neo-Pragae, Pars 18
Editor: Martin Horyna
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Dmytro Antonovych and Ukrainian Art Theory (On the Occasion of 130th Anniversary of D. Antonovych’s birth)
Edited by Dagmar Petišková
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Libraries and Librarianship in the Czech Republic
Compiled and edited by Eva Marvanová et al.; translated by Ota Brídl
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National Library of the Czech Republic. Annual Report 2008
National Library of the Czech Republic
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Cataloguing of Music. A cataloguer´s manual with examples in the MARC 21 and UNIMARC formats
Prepared by Hana Borková
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Law and Scripture. Manuscripts of the Czech Reformation of the 14th - 16th Centuries
Renáta Modráková and Zdeněk Uhlíř
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Miscellanea of the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department (20) 2008 Rare Books as Swedish spoils from the Thirty Years’ War
Prepared by a collective of authors under the guidance of Alena Richterová
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Voices of the Banished: Periodical Press of the Emigration from Soviet Russia (1918–1945)
Jiří Vacek and Lukáš Babka
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Ceska Alexandrovka: Reminiscences about Life in the Czech Emigrant Community in Russia
Bohuslav Andrš
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Zofka Kveder (1878–1926): Perception of Her Work in the 21st Century
Edited by Jasna Honzak Jahič and Alenka Jensterle-Doležalová
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Ludmila Celbová, Lukáš Gruber, Tomáš Síbek, Libor Coufal
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ISMN Users´ Manual
Translated from English original and adapted by Antonín Jeřábek
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Subject Gateways
A collective of authors led by Bohdana Stoklasová
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Methodology of Creation and Check of Name Authorities in MARC21 Format - Personal Names
Jan Luffer
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Methodology of Creation and Check of Name Authorities in MARC21 Format - Corporations
Svojmila Světlíková
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Do We Read? People in the Czech Republic and Their Relation to a Book
Jiří Trávníček
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Time Has Laid Its Attire Aside. Fashion in Manuscripts from 11th-16th Centuries
Renáta Modráková
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Bibliography of Czech and Slovak Printed Books from the Earliest Period up to the End of the 18th Century. Supplements. Volume II, Prints from the period 1501-1800. Part VII., Letter Písně - Ř, Nrs. 12.821–15.190
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The List of Sources to History of the Nations of Russia, Ukraine, and Belorussia up to 1945 from the Archives of the Czech Republic. Volume V, The Archives of the Regions of North Bohemia and East Bohemia
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Cataloguing in MARC 21 Format : Continuing Sources : Brief Instructions and Examples
Ludmila Hercová, Jaroslava Svobodová
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Petr Nikolaevich Savitskii (1895–1968): A bibliography of his published works
Edited and introduced by Martin Beisswenger
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XIII International Congress of Slavists : Ljubljana 2003
Edited by Michaela Řeháková
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Dostoyevsky Today: Proceedings of the International Conference: (Praha, 27 November 2006, National Library of the CR)
Completed by Miluša Bubeníková – Marta Hrabáková – Radka Hříbková
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The Catalogue of Manuscripts of the Library of the Premonstratensian Monastery Teplá
František Hoffmann
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The Cataloguing of Books in MARC 21 format in Examples
Marie Balíková-Hana Kubalová-Jaroslava Svobodová
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Catalogue of Old Russian Prints from the Slavonic Library Collections Printed in Cyrillic Alphabet. 2nd Volume: 1776–1787
Edited by Františka Sokolová
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Annual Report 2007
National Library of the Czech Republic
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The Poets’ Retreat – Retreat’s Poets – Skit – (Poetry of the Russian Exile in Prague of the 1920s and 1930s)
Jana Kostincová
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Ivan Aleksejevič Bunin: Bibliografija originalnych knižnych izdanij( 1891–1990)
Completed by Jitka Křesálková
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Questioning in Natural Languages : Experience With Application of M-CAST Prototype System in Czech Environment
Marie Balíková, Petr Strossa, Dana Vřešťálová
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The Děčín Manuscripts from the Collection of František Martin Pelcl (1734-1801) kept at present in the collections of the National Library of the Czech Republic.
Alena Richterová
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Document Communication : Study Texts
Beáta Sedláčková – Eva Marvanová
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DVD The Devil´s Bible / Codex Gigas
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Codex Gigas – The Devil´s Bible / The Secrets of the World´s Largest Book
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Prague Perspectives (II): A New Generation of Czech East European Studies
(Edited by Lukáš Babka and Petr Roubal)
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The List of Members of the International Standard Book Number - ISBN - System in the Czech Republic with the Supplement / Appendix/ ; The List of Members of the International Standord Music Number - ISMN - in the Czech Republic : satate on the day of December 31st 2006
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Europeica - Slavica - Baltica: To Jiří Marvan for the 70th Birthday
(Completed by Helena Petáková – Hana Opleštilová)
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Tour of the Klementinem / DVD
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How The Eye Above Prague Was Born / DVD - 23rd October 2006 - 2nd March 2007
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Jan Kaplický / Profile / DVD
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International Architectural Competition The New Building of the National Library of the Czech Republic / CD-ROM
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The Eye above Prague : the Library for the Third Millenium
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Edvard Kocbek (1904–1981) : procedings of the international conference dedicated to the work and legacy of the Slovene poet, prose writer, essayist, and philosopher Edvard Kocbek : (Prague, March 10th 2005, National Library of the Czech Republic)
(Jasna Honzak Jahič – Alenka Jensterle-Doležalová)
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Methodology of Creation and Revision of Name Authorities in the MARC 21 Format : Personal Names
(Jan Luffer)
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Methodology of Creation and Revision of Name Authorities in the MARC 21 Format : Corporations
(Svojmila Světlíková)
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At the Boundary of the Christian and Jewish World : a story of the Hebrew Censor and Klementinum librarian Karel Fischer (1757-1844)
(Iveta Cermanová – Jindřich Marek)
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The Wild Wine 1964-2007 : anthology 1964/2007
(Ludvík Hess)
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The Recommendations for Transcription of Non-Roman Alphabets into Roman Characters
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Velislavova bible /Velislai biblia picta /Velislaus Bible
(Zdeněk Uhlíř)
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The Eye Above Prague - The Library for the Third Millenium
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Historical Collections of the National Library of the Czech Republic / A Guide
(Miroslava Hejnová)
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Fragments of Manuscripts in the National Library of the Czech Republic
(Jindřich Marek – Renáta Modráková)
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Support to Information Literacy in Public Libraries - the Way to the Future
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Miscelanea, the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department (19) 2005 – 2006
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Bibliography of Czech and Slovak Printed Books from the Earliest Period up to the End of the 18th Century : Supplements
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Clementinum : Kunstführer
(Petra Oulíková)
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The Museum of the Struggle for Ukrainian Liberation. On the occasion of the 80th Anniversary of its Establishment
(Completed by Dagmar Petišková)
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The List of Sources on the History of Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian Nations until 1945 in the Archives of the Czech Republic
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Reflections of the Great French Revolution in Music. Catalogue of sources from the Schwarzenberg Music Collection in Český Krumlov
(Jiří Záloha – Jitřenka Pešková)
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Летопись бытия и быта. Марина Цветаева в Чехии 1922–1925
(Galina Vaněčkova)
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Cataloguing in the MARC 21 Format. Continuing Resources
(Ludmila Hercová, Jaroslava Svobodová)
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The People of Prague Pay Homage to Me
(Marc Niubò)
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Allegretto per il Cembalo
(Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart - nazývaný Wolfgang Amadeus)
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La clemenza di Tito
(Caterino Mazzolà – Pietro Metastasio)
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Žít! Výbor z veršů / Žyc’! Vybranyja veršy
(Ryhor Baradulin)
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The Compendium of Printed Book Collections Housed in the National Library of the Czech Republic; from Incunabula up to the Late 19th Century
(Ed. Vlasta Faltysová)
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A Photography Booklet of the Klementinum
(Král, Ivan)
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Ukrajins’kyj portret na tli Prahy : ukrajins’ke mystec’ke seredovysce v mizvojennij Cecho-Slovaccyni
(Oksana Pelens’ka)
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Ukrainian fine arts in the between-the-wars Czechoslovakia
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The Jesuits and the Clementinum
(A collective of authors led by Alena Richterová and Ivana Čornejová)
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The Klementinum  - a guide
(Oulíková, Petra)
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My life and music
(Jakub Jan Ryba)
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The chronicle of Dalimil - The Paris fragment of the latin translation (full text)
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The catalogue of Russian early printed books in cyrillic alphabet from the collections of the Slavonic library. Part I 1710-1775
(Completed by Sokolová, Františka)
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PULMAN. Public Libraries Mobilising Advanced Networks.
(Works coordinated by Ressler, Miroslav)
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Public libraries´ services to disabled persons
(Arranged by Vincenc Streit in cooperation with Miroslav Ressler and Zlata Houšková)
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MARC 21. Format for Authorities
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Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules. Second Edition. 1998 Revision. Amendments 2002
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Prague Perspectives I
(Edited by Roubal,Petr and Veber,Václav)
more ...

Litěraturno-těatralnaja, koncertnaja dějatělnosť běžencev-Rossijan v Čechoslovakii (20-40-e gody 20-go veka). Part I, Part II
(Inov, Igor)
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The Silver age of Russian literature - Proceedings of Symposium
(Hrabáková, Marta)
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Matija Majar Zilski in the Czech and Slovene context
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Photoduplication in practice
(Faský, Ervín)
more ... The strems of thoughts of Latin and Czech medieval literature
(Tříška, Josef)
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Sep 05, 2024
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